Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Public Option: Say It Ain't So Charlie Brown!

There's got to be a better way!

Brought to you by your good friends at TenPercentDown.com!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

UNDOBAMA: Change We Can Believe In!

Every person in America can have a small impact on changing government policy but only if they link with other like minded patriots!

UNDOBAMA stickers availabe now! Come visit UNDOBAMA.com because we don’t have to agree on every issue but we need to agree that our nation is being hijacked by a very liberal movement intent on changing all that made this country great.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

What will money buy?


Money will buy a bed,
But not sleep;

but not brains;

But not appetite;

But not beauty;

A house,
But not a home;

But not health;

But not culture;

But not happiness;

But not Salvation;

A passport to everywhere except Heaven

You can't take it with you!

Courtesy of TenPercentDown.com

Monday, August 10, 2009

Home listings on KwikPost

TenPercentDown.com is now partnering with KwikPost to list great home investment properties.

Be sure to stop by and take a look!

Creekside V, Spring, TX 77388 - Gorgeous 5 bed 2-1/2 bath home with all matching appliances. Full Landscaping. A great home to move your family in or even better we will get you a good tenant. $171,000 See at KwikPost!

Rosewood, Lancaster, TX 75134 - Great cash flow property (250.00 plus per month), completely rehabbed, with tenants in place ready to move in at closing. One tear free property mgmt and home warranty. $79,500 See at KwikPost!

KwikPost's Eddie Burrough's writes:

At KwikPost.com we have two goals in mind. One is to post investment properties and the other is to sell investment properties.

KwikPost.com may seem too good to be true but our philosophy is simple. Get as many true real estate investors to the site as we possibly can and all of our properties will get sold within our due diligent time periods. Wouldn't that be nice?

So the question I get asked all the time: Eddie how do you make money? I may have alluded to it before but let me make it clear now. I am an investor too, so I make money when the properties I post to KwikPost.com sell. So it is to my best interest to get as many investors as possible on the site so that one of you great investors will buy my properties. I hope that make sense. So when I win you win!

We are excited about this opportunity to be with KwikPost.com. Please click on the links provided above at the end of the property listings.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Affordable health care? Not really!

I am constantly challenged to understand the relationship between stimulating the economy vs. what is being done by the current administration. I don't have a PHD in Economics, but I do have an ID in common sense... and really did pass Economics 101 in high school.

So, I keep wondering if my solutions are just a gift from God and I should just forward HIS thoughts and conclusions. Maybe my conclusions will be read by someone else who will "get it" and take it seriously.

Here are a few of my thoughts. I heard on the news yesterday that the "new" health bill will contain new taxes on private health care companies to help fund the government health care proposal. Hmmmmmmmm... Now wouldn't that make private plans more expensive since they must add the taxes into their cost of doing business and therefore raise premiums to their customers. And, as I understand the new bill you MUST have health insurance or pay a penalty. And "they" said you could keep your present health care provider. But, if the government can impose taxes against "your" current provider and make it more expensive, doesn't that give the government the ability to price them "out of business?" That's like the government saying that you can still own a gun in America but you can't buy bullets anymore.

Does it seem like the government has all the power and private enterprise is loosing them? Is this the way the "FREE" enterprise system will work under the current administration. Seems like FREE means the government is FREE to do whatever it wants, including taking over banks, auto companies, insurance companies, health care and on, and on, and on.

Guess what? I don't like it and I have just decided to support a simple slogan entitled "Undo Obama". You know, like you can do on your computer if you make a mistake and want to reverse it. Just click on the undo button represented by a curving arrow.

How can we undo the mistakes of the current administration?

Here's another thing that I'm having a problem with. The government just offered a billion dollars worth of $4,500 cash credits for a new car buyer plus a credit of $4,500 if you trade in your old drivable gas guzzling clunker. I'm not against car companies giving incentives to stimulate sales, but I do have a problem with the government using "my" money to help fund another person's purchase. Of course, the public was so excited by the offer that the $1 billion was gone in 4 days. So, the government is approving another $2 billion to continue this giveaway at tax payers' expense. The government has just created a welfare system for new car buyers.

Is there no end to their creativity when it comes to taxpayer funded giveaways?

You understand that the money is borrowed from the Treasury and we, the taxpayers, must pay it back? For the record, if the car companies were funding this $4,500 trade-in and $4,500 credit, the car companies would go broke because they don't make that much profit per car. They would loose money on EVERY purchase and have to go out of business. Wait, isn't that what GMC and Chrysler already did and the government (you and me) loaned them money and then took over the company? That way the companies didn't have to go bankrupt and renegotiate the UNION contracts and lower their unsustainable payments to the unions. So, isn't this additional $3 billion incentive program just additional bailout money? So the taxpayers continue with the bailout. Lee Iacocca where are you when we need you?

And that is hardly the end. What's most upsetting to me now is the bailout of homeowners who are getting big reductions in their mortgage balance and in their monthly payments. Why? Doesn't everyone know that these "readjustments" are REAL losses and someone has to pay for them? Well, I figured that out to. It was easy because so far the same people come up with the bailout money every time....no exception. We will pay for the bank's loss and subsidize those who made bad choices and didn't know that homes prices wouldn't keep going up forever. Since they made a bad deal we (taxpayers and bank customers) will cover the losses. But wait!!!! Common sense kicks in and I have a BETTER idea and it is a win - win for everyone. Here's my idea.

First, recognize that if you borrowed $600,000.00, you must repay $600,000.00. Can we agree that this is the normal way of doing business? The exception to that is the bankruptcy route. So, to begin, let's assume the home owner borrowed $600,000.00 to buy a $750,000.00 home. They got a very attractive option ARM loan with starting rate of 1% interest and mortgage payments they could afford knowing that the rate was adjustable and that the payments WOULD go up. Are we together so far? However, the prices didn't continue to go up but the payments did. So, now the house is worth $500,000.00 and the homeowner demands a reduction in the mortgage balance and the interest rate so they can keep the house they can't afford. So, the homeowner hires a firm to negotiate a reduction in the payment and the mortgage balance. The net result is they keep their house and the new mortgage balance goes to $450,000 ($150,000.00 loss to the bank) and the interest rate goes down by 40% (no loss to the bank as the government has a 0% discount rate to the bank. So, the bank just took a loss but they now have a conforming loan on their books versus a home in foreclosure, which they must carry at market value (mark to market rule), which is heavily discounted. So who pays the loss? We do as taxpayers and bank customers.

But, like I said, I have a better plan based upon "common sense" and the "American Way" of being responsible to repay what you borrowed. So, the bank meets with you and offers you a combo loan of a new first T.D. at low rates and a second trust deed structured as an Option ARM and the results are like this. You now have a new first T.D. at $450,000 with a lower monthly payment. You must make that payment every month on time or you will loose your home quickly because the bank would fast track it. You would also have a new second T.D. that doesn't require any payment (an option) but if you ever sell the house it must be paid off. So, if the house you bought for $750,000.00 goes back up in price (remember my inflation prediction) and is worth $850,000.00 or more you would pay off the first and second if you sold your home and the bank would have all their money back and we (taxpayers and bank customer) would not be subsidizing the homeowner. Now that is my solution. Has any government brain trust offered that suggestion? Too bad, because it accomplishes the same thing but every one wins and either the bank or the tax payers are stuck with the bill to cover the losses. Because there is no loss. I wish I could have a beer with the President to go through this with him but I don't want to risk being called "stupid" for thinking like an American and doing my duty.

So, here's the bottom line on health care legislation as I understand it. The administration says their goal is to cut the cost of health care and make it affordable to all Americans. Now comes the big question. Where are you going to cut costs and increase membership? If you tax the rich, tax optional medical procedures, insurance companies, raise taxes on the middle class by adding VAT, more gas and liquor tax and cutting Medicare and Social Security benefits, etc. The shortfall to accomplish the health care goals is quoted at $1,500,000,000,000.00 (one and one/half Trillion)

So... we are going to go broke creating an affordable health care program to replace the finest heath care system in the world. Now I am seriously thinking about the benefits of retiring in Costa Rica. No government health care there. Just hospitals and clinics manned by former American Doctors and health care professionals. Wonder why?

To reply please e-mail info@tenpercentdown.com.

Thank you,
Chuck Salisbury

Friday, July 24, 2009

Common sense makes more sense!

We are certainly living in interesting times. Every time I talk to you and other club members I am challenged by the topics that I never expected to discuss. Especially, given the normal real estate market of a few years ago and the easy money available at the time for investments in income property.

I am just amazed why we, as Americans, are so in conflict with the government over the best solutions to solve our financial problems. Because many of these problem solvers and life changers (We Can) and (Change We Can Believe In) are flush with college degrees, I summarize that many of them just went nutty by degrees not by illness.

So, I decided to step back and look at the situation and use some old fashion common sense. That has always been my solution to problems that are not being solved by "intellectual giants," especially those in political positions, who use government validation of their "extraordinary skills."

So, let's examine the mess we are in and apply common sense to understand the problem and possible solutions.

Let's take the recent economic meltdown that created the problem in the first place and understand what went wrong. Did we (you and I) do something wrong? Did we demand too much from the government and create this problem?

As I understand, there was a passionate movement to ensure that home ownership be afforded to every breathing person in America regardless of FICO score, Social Security or residency status. Thinking back, it was never MY dream. I didn't demand it. I always thought the reason millions of people migrated to America, legally or illegally, over the last 200-plus years was to participate in the American Dream. That dream included home ownership and a better life for our children. That dream has been working for all this time, so why change it?

When I was a kid in Peoria, Illinois, I remember going to the annual Christmas Party at my church, Arcadia Avenue Presbyterian Church. I'd receive a small box of goodies that included candy, nuts, and fruit. It wasn't much, but it was given with love by Santa (the pastor in a Santa outfit). It was a very big treat!

The decorated box didn't cost much, but it was a gift nonetheless, and a valuable one because it was wartime and fruit, nuts and candies were a treat.

After the war, things loosened up and so did the standard of living. Before long, I had a paper route and had enough money to afford my own candy, ice cream, and gifts. The church's Christmas box gift was no longer a treat. The church soon broke tradition, and had a Christmas pageant instead. What was once a special treat became a memory.

I remember my feeling when I bought my first home. I felt like it was a treat... something special for my family and I. It was a gift of sorts because the banks made it possible for me to buy it with good financing. Nobody gave me the home. I earned the right to buy it by having a job and good credit. When I closed escrow on my first home I felt like I did at my church's Christmas party as I opened my box to savor the goodies inside. I earned the gift because I was a kid and I attended that church, but as I grew older I outgrew the gift and accepted responsibility to earn what I wanted and needed.

It never occurred to me that I was "entitled" to a home. I had to earn it and because I lived in a free-enterprise system, I was able to "earn" the right to own a home. Others were willing to deposit money in the bank and the bank in turn was able to make loans to finance the purchase.

So, what happens when the American Dream becomes the American Entitlement? People don't have to earn it, they just demand it. But who encouraged that misguided form of thinking? Not you or I! Not even the majority of the American citizens! No, it was government who thought up all these "entitlement" programs.

First, it was Franklin D. Roosevelt, then Jimmy Carter, and then Bill Clinton. In their hearts they believed that everyone should enjoy many of the benefits formerly known as the American Dream. As a result, the dream became a right and now we see the results.

This administration is responding to millions of people who demand their "rights," which far exceed the freedom to earn your own way and reach for the stars by working hard and taking chances.

My common sense tells me that the government has made a huge mistake. What do you think?

Please send comments to info@tenpercentdown.com.

Thank you,
Chuck Salisbury

Monday, July 13, 2009

Take Back Control of Your Retirement!

Chuck Salisbury, author and real estate expert, will be discussing the essential facts about a successful retirement. It's a different world than it was just a year or so ago, and everyone of retirement age needs to take a fresh look at his or her personal situation. Your 401K is probably half the value it once was worth. Learn how to take control of your retirement planning with just 4 important steps! Limited seating. Must register first at TenPercentDown.com in the calendar section.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Help for Filipino youth

Helping the children and people of the Philippines is a passion for TenPercentDown Founder and President Chuck Salisbury.

His Salisbury Foundation is aimed at helping disadvantaged youth receive food, clothing, shelter, medical help and education.

"Today, I ask for your immediate help for a few safety and personal needs for a few of my students," Salisbury said. "I can't afford to delay their needs any further.

"I hope that you can provide the few dollars needed to keep them safe."

Salisbury continues...

"Juvy Segovia is a student in Davao, Philippines that also has a serious health issue. Juvy has liver stones which is not serious here but is life threatening in the Philippines because people can’t afford medical care or medicine. The medicine cost is only $50 a week and she has to take it another two weeks minimum. Without medicine she will die. I know that from personal experience because I lost one young student earlier this year in Manila because I didn't take this problem seriously. When your liver shuts down your blood becomes dirty and it is a painful death. So, can you help her with this immediate need.

Charry Mae Dunaluaron is now 18 and was a student living with her sister, but had to leave that home for personal safety reasons. She contacted me by email and told me that she was now on the street, so I provided her money to get a room in a boarding house and some food. She wants to start a business to sell food to local workers and make enough to live. The cost to start that business is about $200. Hopefully, she can find time to go back to school.

Jessibel Dablio is also one of my students who was kicked out of her family home and lives on the street now. Living on the streets is very dangerous. I sent a little money for food but she also needs a room in a boarding house. A room is about $50 a month, but I need to send her enough for a bus ticket to join Charry Mae so they can be together and build a small food business together.

May Ritual is a senior in q Manila high school. She lives with her mother, 2-years-old sister, and 6-years-old brother. The brother has asthma and has trouble breathing often. The mother has no work so I have been helping the family. Any amount for money to buy food would be a blessing to this wonderful family.

The need is so great and the people of the Philippines are our friends for many years. Thank you for reading my appeal and I hope you will pray about this."

To find out how you can help these youth directly and get involved with the Salisbury Foundation, e-mail Chuck(@)TenPercentDown.com.

Friday, June 26, 2009

TenPercentDown on Twitter

Twitter has been described as many things...from a tool for mindless banter to part of a social network bridge out of the current recession. Either way, Twitter is here to stay and so is TenPercentDown.com.

If you are not on Twitter yet, you may want to start right now...and "follow" TenPercentDown. We promise to "follow" you as well!

Follow us on Twitter:


This from Wikipedia:
Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read each others' updates, known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters, displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to other users - known as followers - who have subscribed to them. Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow open access. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or external applications. The service is free over the Internet, but using SMS may incur phone service provider fees.

TenPercentDown is dedicated to all who seek to invest their hard earned money and savings, and avoid the enormous potential for loss associated with typical investment choices.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Incredible Investment Group On Facebook

Join "The Incredible Investment Group" on Facebook now!

We talk about all-things real estate...and doing it the right way! Real estate is still the No. 1 investment in America!

The most successful investment in the U.S. is not stocks, bonds, mutual funds, commodities, annuities, or any related products. The best investment is real estate.

The author of "The Incredible Investment Book," Chuck Salisbury will answer any real estate questions here. We welcome your input, too!


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Reverse mortgages...there's a better way

Many senior citizens are using reverse mortgages to supplement social security, meet unexpected medical expenses, make home improvements, and more.

Your home is probably your largest single investment, so it is smart to know more about reverse mortgages and decide if one is right for you. I believe it's important to present my conclusion about this government-created program. I've concluded that a reverse mortgage is, for some seniors, the last desperate step before insolvency and that there is a better and safer method to accomplishing an increase in monthly income. With my guidance and instruction you can also increase your net worth rather than eliminate it.

That being said, let’s examine a HUD created reverse mortgage.

Exactly what is a reverse mortgage?

A reverse mortgage is a special type of loan used by senior citizens to convert the equity in their homes into more income. The money obtained through a reverse mortgage can provide senior citizens with the financial security they need to fully enjoy their retirement years.

What types are available?

There are three basic types:

1. Single-purpose reverse mortgages, which are offered by some state and local government agencies and nonprofit organizations;

2. Federally-insured reverse mortgages, which are known as Home Equity Conversion Mortgages(HECMs), these are backed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD); and

3. Proprietary reverse mortgages, which are private loans that are backed by the companies that develop them.

To learn more about reverse mortgages, including qualifying, advantages and disadvangtages, and need-to-know information, go to TenPercentDown.com and sign up to receive my FREE newsletter. Click here!

--Chuck Salisbury

Monday, June 15, 2009

Why You Should NOT Buy a Foreclosed Property!

The more depressed the real estate market gets, the more the "promoters" come out from under the woodwork...out from under their rocks...or wherever they have been hiding.

They come out to pitch their expensive (and unrealistic) plans and programs about how to get rich in real estate through foreclosures.

Right now, the residential real estate market is softening, which sadly means that more families are losing their homes due to foreclosure.

In a strong real estate market and in a strong economy there may only be a couple of foreclosures in a neighborhood at any given time. Right now, when the real estate market is sorting itself out from the sub-prime debacle, foreclosures abound.

A lot of people have the idea that one man's loss is another man's gain. But when it comes to foreclosures, one man's loss may be the next man's loss, too.

Why buy foreclosed properties? When you buy a house that's been foreclosed upon, you're buying a house that didn't sell. The owner of the house couldn't sell it and the bank couldn't sell it. They're just hoping that a sucker — I mean an "investor" — like you will come along, ready to take that white elephant off their hands.

Let's first consider the question: "What is a foreclosure?" Very simply, it's when an individual who owns a house, has taken out a mortgage and can no longer make the payments. They couldn't sell the house for a price that would allow them to pay off the mortgage so the bank stepped in to recoup as much as it could of what turned out to be a very bad investment all around. If you buy it, you own it, and need to pay the mortgage on an empty house that likely hasn't been maintained.

How long can you afford to do that?

More often than not, investments in foreclosed property turn out not to be like winning a lottery, but a path to bankruptcy! You might be willing to offer more than the other speculators, but what does that tell you? It means that all the other real estate investors in your neck of the woods were not willing to put down as much money on that property as you...in your infinite wisdom!

It's too bad they already made a TV show called "The Biggest Loser," because that’s how I would describe anybody unfortunate enough to offer the most money, out of all the speculators, to the owner of a foreclosure property.

Once again, you've got to ask yourself whether you're smarter than all the other investors looking at foreclosures, and all the home buyers who passed up the opportunity to buy the house from a realtor or directly from the owner, and the bank or government entity currently in possession of the house.

If this sounds harsh, I'd rather you learn from me that foreclosures don't work than learning the hard way. I don't want you to learn the hard and painful way, by going through the time, trouble, and expense of a property that costs you more in money and heartache than you could ever make... even if things really worked the way the foreclosure hucksters would like you to believe.

I can offer you the stories of countless people with sad experiences who thought they could make money in real estate through foreclosures. By and large, they didn't. But a new generation of hopeful investors arises every day, and the people with those full-page ads for seminars on how to make money in these fields continue to prey on them.

Can you still make a fortune in real estate?

You bet! Do it the right way, and you'll be very satisfied with your results. It's a turnkey approach that is disciplined but very effective.

It is truly the #1 way to invest in the # 1 investment in America -- which truly is real estate!

Chuck Salisbury outlines the safest, most conservative way to invest in real estate in "The Incredible Investment Book." For more investment advice and a free newsletter go to www.TenPercentDown.com.